The article presents the true state of Legal Education in India. It has been authored by Devansh Saraswat, a Research Intern with The LAW Learners and Edited by our Editorial Team. Do give it a read.

This is not an article which would add up to your knowledge base but one which merely talks about the reality. No Introduction needed as every law student is well aware of the same and perhaps I would be stating the obvious further, though it might just be required, not that revolutions would follow but writing gives me a sense of contentment. So coming straight to the point, I would like to make a few revelations which are subtly true for almost every law student :-
1. Semester Duration = 4-5 Months, Subjects in a Semester = 6, Projects in a Semester = 6, Midsems = 6, EndSems – 6, Moots, Debates, MUN, Research Papers, Conferences, Committee work, Volunteering go parallel. In toto, we take up great pride to study 60 Subjects within a span of 5 years. We intend not only to study but understand and comprehend for future needs the subjects like CrPC, IPC, CPC, Administrative Law etc. merely within 55 lectures or so. The subjects which might be really impossible to comprehend even if they were taught fully throughout our law course.
Rest I live it to the readers to deliberate upon.
2. Every subject comes with a project, project is most likely to be a Research Paper, a favourite topic of the Faculties, as according to them it evolves the Researching and Writing skills of the student. That certainly means that 4 Quality Papers are to be written in a Semester, strictly without Plagiarism – as it is expected to be so, alongside 2 other Projects. I really doubt if that is possible. That would mean you might just have 60 Publications after you pass your law school. Wohoooooo! Or maybe no – you might just have a humongous pile of 60 Harshly Plagiarised fictitious Content.
Not always your fault, or you decide.
3. Law is all about practicality, or at least I think so. What we encounter? Mug up the Sections and Case laws and pass with flying colours. Don’t you think we missed a lot? What about the real fun in studying the law and its development, what about my own Interpretation of the law – does anyone even care if it still exists? What about the practicality which actually is the law and not what is prescribed in the books. Well, if you can easily mug up, Congratulations you have won and if you are not, you decide what needs to be done.
4. Every other thing has some or the other limitation and nothing goes perfectly.
· Moot Courts – Deciding who would be a better speaker or researcher as a lawyer within a span of 15 minutes? · MUN – No issues in following the UN Culture, but where is the Indian Culture buried. I mean there existed a thing like Youth Parliament – The Indian Parliament is still in practice and we live in a sovereign nation, yes we still do.·
Legal Aid Clinics/LSC’s – They work, they function well no doubt but maybe not exactly for what they have been established – you got that right, the Social Cause. ·
The culture of filling up CV’s just for a job, when did we turn into machines? What about our creativities and interests – all dead?
Is there a scope for revival?
It would certainly not be great on my part to decide what is right and what is not. It is better if I leave these questions open to the readers and leave it for them to decide whether the Indian Legal Education is on the right track. If it is, well and good. If it is not, being a law student, take a little step. The saying will never fade –
Be the Change you wish to see in the World.
